Friday, April 17, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

Matt and I went to watch a production of Beauty and the Beast that my bro-in-law and two of my nephews were in. It was a community production but I thought it was very impressive. The twins were cast as "Chip" and cloves, and they alternated roles on different nights. It was so cute to see their "bio's" in the program! What cute little actors!

My bro-in-law played a spoon and a villager. The lighting is a little off here because he was in the aisle, but this is great!

This is Chip's costume. So adorable. And the twins had a job trying to stay awake since the curtain time for the play was after their normal bedtime. But they were troopers and never missed a line!

Here are the cloves.
Matt and me with my sister during intermission.
Our niece was too young to be in the production, but she was excited to watch the show. And she was super excited to meet Belle and get a rose after the show!


Valerie said...

I think you must have really cool relatives. And talented.

Xazmin said...

Looks like so much are they all doing?

Those are some awesome costumes!