Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life As We Know It Just Changed a WHOLE LOT!!

After a whirlwind ride, Matt and I are finally able to claim the title "Parents." That Thursday morning, we didn't know anything about little Emma. But our lives were about to change. Friday morning, a few phone calls and a couple of photos later, we were told that we were chosen to adopt a little girl that had been born late the previous night. Saturday morning we hopped a plane to Florida and Sunday morning we met our little miracle.
It all started in this hospital room in Titusville, Florida on January 14, 2010. Emma was born late Thursday night, weighing in at 6 pounds, 8 3/4 ounces and 18.5 inches long. We spent a few hours in the hospital with her Sunday and got to take her home (to the hotel) from the hospital that afternoon. We had to stay in Florida until we had clearance (12 Days!) to take her home, but we had our baby girl!!

This is Matt holding Emma in the hospital. Look at all that hair!! We love it!

Here is our caseworker and a nurse signing papers that released Emma into our custody.

Here we are about to leave the hospital for Emma's first ride in a car. She sure looks tiny in that car seat!

Since we had Emma with us, we really didn't get away from the hotel much. This is pretty much the only site-seeing we did while in Orlando. We passed this one day and I made Matt turn around to take a picture.

How tragic!

Emma at one week old. This proves to be a pattern. Emma always has her hands up by her face and often looks like she's posing for a photo. I guess she's just starting early.

While in Florida, Matt and I celebrated our 9th Anniversary by ordering take-out from Olive Garden and eating in the hotel. No complaints here. We loved having Emma with us and it didn't really matter where we were.

We arrived home to find that our friends and family had prepared our house for us. Matt's brother-in-law and sister gave us their crib and other essentials. They even took down the old bed and set up the crib in Emma's room for us! Matt's other sister made an adorable sign for Emma in her room and some of our friends decorated (mildly, thanks!) to welcome Emma to our house.

We soon settled into a sort of routine, which of course included a Sunday afternoon nap! Emma is an angel baby and doesn't fuss a lot, which makes for a happy mama and papa! She's a good eater, a good sleeper, and a great cuddler! Did I mention that she's SO ADORABLE?!!

Emma is 6 weeks old today and slept through the night last night. We are so spoiled. She's just barely big enough to sit in her Bumbo and likes being in it.


Cassie said...

Such a great story! I can't believe she's 6 weeks already and looking so big! I need to come see her... and you... and bring you your pictures... I'm a crappy, CRAPPY photographer... I'm sorry... Love ya!

Heidi said...

I've said it many times, but I will say it again. She is beautiful. What a perfect little baby!

kirsten said...

Congratulations! Emma is beautiful.

Heather said...

She is seriously BEAUTIFUL and I'm soooooo excited for you guys. I actually have a cute little outfit for her if you'd like we could drop it off sometime...let me know! :)

Dadra said...

She is such an adorable little baby and so lucky to have the two of you as parents. We are beyond thrilled for you!!! We hope you have a blast on your brand new adventure in parenting!

Gayle said...

Andrea!!! I'm so happy for you and Matt!! Kirsten told me that you finally had your baby and I almost cried. She's beautiful!
Hugs to your sweet family!
gaylejorgensen at gmail dot com

Arthur V. / Gene D. W. said...

We are so proud of the new mom & dad...Emma is a blessed little girl to have such good parents. She is beautiful. Love you.

Valerie said...

Love the pictures! She is amazing and adorable and I can't believe she slept through the night it's really not fair shouldn't you have to suffer like the rest of us but I'm glad she's sweet to you and I guess it's okay that she let you sleep through the night because you are of course amazing parents and after all you did wait a loooong time for her. (breath) Way to go guys. Emma is just what your family needed!