Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Fresh Start

I've had enough people tell me to update my blog that I'm finally motivated enough to do so...barely.

Christmas vacation was a blast with TWO WEEKS OFF SCHOOL!! It's sure nice to have the income, but it's also very stressful teaching. Forcing information into the mind of an unwilling middle school student isn't always the easiest thing to do. I suppose that's why we're paid the big bucks!

I loved having family around. I haven't been able to spend as much time with them as I did before school started. It was great to catch up and play tons of games and just be together.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Matt's family and ate way too much good food. The Holgates definitely know how to do Christmas dinner!

The 26th belonged to this little guy, my nephew. Most of my family gathered for his blessing. My dad even came up from Arizona. And the snacking and game-playing that followed was in true Clark fashion.

Can you tell that my favorite part of Christmas is the people? I love gathering with some of the best family and friends a girl could wish for and just feeling the peace and joy of the season.


Brent said...

Hey,I recognize him!

Congrats on the new blog post. I knew you had it in you.

Valerie said...

Oh, man. Your two blogs have DIFFERENT POSTS. Now I know I will have to check them both all the time. . .